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Theme Research - Homelessness

A BBC recent article on the levels of homeless children increasing in today's modern society. This highlights the fact there are 90,000 children lving in temporary accomodation without any guarantee of a permanent home. This could later result in the children actually living on the streets as they simply can't afford to live in a household even with donations from the Shelter charity. After being given the task of producing a social realism short film we automatically knew what theme we wanted to film our short on. This was mainly due to the rise in homelessenss literally and in terms of media attention through the news and social media.

The documentry showed how many people are on the streets due to either leaving home, or being disowned by their families, and many teenagers feel like they will never be able to return home again. This leaves them feeling unwanted and lonley, and eventually they see themselves as a burden on society, who is trapped in a spiral of homelessness. The documentry also covered how many homeless people are forced into drug addictions, however my group and I decided not to feature the theme of drug abuse in our short film, as we felt that it would be very easy to make the film seem unrealistic if we did so.

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