Divergent Productions
bringing reality to you...
Paul Jablonski
Location Details

A picture (from Google Maps) of one of the locations where Lily and The Stranger will shoot the majority of their scenes again.

Another picture (from Google Maps) of one of the locations our short is filmed. This is where the runaway Lily will spend her first night on the public path.
Managing to get some film shooting captured here prooved difficult as it is a family home and it was in constant use of the homeowners. In addition to this the cast was only available from 3pm onwards due to sixth form studies and this just happened to be the time the homeowners got back from work. However eventually we did find a convenient time when the homeowners were due to be out of the house and we could capture a decent chunk of footage.
This location was ideal to fit in with the Stranger's charcater background as being middle/upper class and nobody would expect a criminal to be living in this location. So this was perfect in the short film to conceal his sly criminal identity and create comfort in his victims until they discover who he is.
As this location was in a public place we were able to shoot here quick and convientiently with our cast and crew. Shooting in a public place also included some hassles such as pedestrians walking by and cars driving nearby causing incovenient noises that we don't need, but luckily we only spent a short time waiting for these hassles to past.
Setting wise this was a perfect location for the homeless girls to sleep rough at as the metal fencing connotes a harsh and uncomfortable feel as if being trapped in a prison. Except in this case they are the victims and not the ones commiting any crimes.