Divergent Productions
bringing reality to you...
Paul Jablonski
Target Audience Research
The Questionaire
The Questionaire Results...
In order to gather enough infomation on who our target audience should be, and what they would typically look for in a film within the social realism genre, my group and I asked our questionaire to 30 people. From this questionaire, we gathered the results, which showed how:
70% of people who we asked had seen 3 or more films within the social realism genre, showing hpw people will generally know what a social realism film includes, and suggests it is a fairly popular genre.
80% of people we asked said that they feel that they can relate to social realism films, which meant that in our film, we would have to make sure the storyline is based on real life everyday issues, which led my group and I to base our short film around homelessness.
When asked the question 'what is the most important feature of a social realism film' the option which 50% of people chose was the family issues option. This led my group and I to alter our storyline, so that the reason our main charecter Lily became homeless, was due to her parents dying, leaving her stuck in foster care with people who were completley unemotionless towards her.
60% of people who we asked said that close up shots are the most imporant feature of a social realism film. This led us to include lots of close up shots when creating our storyboards, as close up shots can help explain to the audience the emotions that the charecter is feeling, which will make it easier for the audience to relate to the charecters.
The Focus Group
We decided to create a focus group, so that we could ask our questionaire in a more open way, as most of the questions in our questionaire were closed. This meant that we were able to speak to our target audience in a more detailed way, and go into depth with what we needed to accquire from the people we asked our questionaire to. This helped us gather more information, and helped us find out what people would generally expect to see in a social realism film, meaning we could take what they told us and put it in our short film.