Divergent Productions
bringing reality to you...
Paul Jablonski
Synopsis Third Draft
Lily is a young 15 year old girl who is forced into foster care, after her parents had passed away in a car crash. As her 16th birthday approaches, the cruel reality sets in. The constant abuse and lack of effection shown from her foster parents, Christine and Kane, forces her to leave home where she is trapped in a life of drugs and homelessness. Feeling helpless and like a waste of space, Lily does not want to be on this world anymore, believing anything must be better then the place she is currently in. However, one day a handsome, heroic young man comes over to Lily, and asks her if she wants him to take her away from the cruel streets. Lily agrees, and feels thankful, hoping that this will bring an end to the devastating life she has had. As the man takes Lily home, she begins to question why this man has chosen to help her, and wonders what his intentions are. Is he a twisted man who preys on young homeless girls? After living with the man for a few days, Lilys paranoia takes over her, so she looks around the mans house to try and find some clues to see if this 'hero' is actually legit. She finds his phone and begins searching through it, only to find nothing suspicious. As the man returns home from work, Lilys remains distant, and even debates returning to the cold streets. However, the man presents to Lily a hot meal and new clothes, which persuades Lily to stay with him. She sits down to eat with the man, keeping her skepticul thoughts to herself.